Monday, January 28, 2013

Pasta with Fire roasted tomatoes and artichoke

Pasta with fire roasted tomatoes and artichoke with
Shaved, Shredded Aged Parmesan Cheese.

Last sunday during mass, it was mentioned that Lenten Season is fast approaching and so I'm starting to see and plan what I could cook for the whole family during this coming lenten season. In two weeks time, it would be Ash Wednesday  and from then on every Friday would be no meat allowed for us and during holy days as well.

Found this in my picture gallery, Picture of pasta with fire roasted tomatoes, artichoke n aged parmesan cheese that I've cooked before. Most of the time if not all the time, I try to make sure that I take pictures so I could post it in my FB or here in my ourmeza blog. I've posted it already in my FB but not in here yet so here is my Pasta with fire roasted tomatoes and artichoke with shaved and shredded aged parmesan cheese. It is absolutely  refreshing, light and yummilicious.  My family love it and your will surely love it too. Bon appetit!!!

Spaghetti  pasta cooked al dente
Fire roasted tomatoes if not sun dried tomatoes will do
marinated artichoke heart in EVOO 
Aged Parmesan Cheese
sliced Fresh Mozzarella Cheese (optional)
Light Butter 

Cook pasta according to box instructions, preferably cook the pasta  al dente  then mix all ingredients and before serving topped it with freshly shaved parmesan cheese and sliced or cube fresh mozzarella.