Decorated homemade Christmas Cookies on "ourmeza" or table.
My son loves helping me out with any kind of house chores even without asking him. He would volunteer to help with much "gusto" especially with the baking . But I think he loves helping out in baking because he loves the mixing part, tasting of the batter and the art of decorating the cupcakes or cookies. Nevertheless I love spending these quality and memorable times with him.
As I have mention in my previous post we have been house bound because we were all sick.
But before we all got sick, my son and I have already planned ahead of time to make some christmas cookies for his classmates and teachers to give away for Christmas. We have bought all the ingredients for the sugar and ginger bread cookies, decorations and gift boxes but sadly it didnt happened because we were unable to make it in time for his Christmas Party because he was sick.
Then few days before Christmas, thank God we all are back on our feet. And so now that he's better he was constantly reminding me to make it still so we could give it away this time to our families and friends instead. Told him to rest few more days because we dont want him to have another relapse and that we will do it before Christmas.
And so finally we were able to make some a day before Christmas. It took me almost all day to bake and to decorate this Christmas cookies, oh forgot I was making some Cassava cake as well so it took almost all day. I'll post the cassava cake recipe next time. My son helped as well but not as much as he wanted because he's still in recuperating stage.
Now Back to our Christmas Cookies Giveaway, my son and I made sugar cookies decorated with Christmas colors ofcourse, the green and the red colors. Oh and the shapes of our cookies; candy cane, snowman, bells, stars, leaf/leaves, trees, stockings and so on. Decorating these bite size or small cookies were more tedious than decorating the regular size cookies. But I could tell my son had a great time in doing it with me so that is more important.
Anyway here are the pictures of our Homemade Christmas Cookies. Our first batch of cookies were burnt. I forgot to turn on the timer plus it is bite size or small size cookies so it cooked faster than usual.

First picture, first Batch was burnt, center picture, our decorated cookies and on the right picture, my son carefully put our Christmas Cookies into the Christmas Goodie box.

Our Boxed Homemade Christmas Cookies
made by my Son and I
I then later on wrapped it in xmass green clear wrapper with a red bow and holy berries together with some cassava cake as well. Sadly, I forgot to take picturessssss....for the total finished product. Oh well theres still next
Happy Holidays to All!