I was in the grocery store when they were stocking up the skinless and boneless chicken. And automatically, I thought it would be good for grilling with some grilled herb potatoes, green salad and some ice cold cantaloupe juice. I already have the whole menu for dinner figured out in that moment.
So I went ahead and bought 3 packages.
The first package would definitely for bbq/grilling, other package for chicken afritada and the last one for bbq/grilling again perhaps since we love grilling or I'll use it for chicken salad, we'll see and it would be posted definitely.
So for Chicken BBQ cut chicken to desired size... marinate it in:
pineapple juice

red pepper flakes
ground black pepper
soy sauce.
Marinating over night is always better. And on the day you are grilling/doing your bbq, soak your bbq sticks in water ahead of time so it wont get burn, soak it for at least a good 1 hour or more. Indoor grilling is good if your kitchen is well ventilated and your exhaust fan is working properly or else you'll have smoke all over your house and will definitely trigger the smoke alarm. Grilling or doing ur bbq outside is always ideal but grilling indoor is not bad aswell. So which ever is convenient at the moment and will make it easy for you, do it. It was weeknight so I used our indoor grill and result not bad at all...
Anyway...so we grilled or BBQ our BBQ Chicken on a stick indoor on top of our stove grill. We cooked each side till done. While grilling I put the herb potatoes on the sides to cook.
For Herb Potatoes, I used big rosset potatoes and sliced witht he jagged edger knife. Season it with salt,pepper, olive oil and some dried herbs that I have in our pantry.
So for that dinner once again we have simple and easy to prepare food on "our meza" with full of flavor and taste.
At the end of our dinner my husband and son thanked me for another wonderful but yet simple dinner. And it means a lot to me and it warms my heart that they loved it.